Have you ever thought about starting your own business? Do you have a business idea that you would like to develop further? Or do you want to learn more about these topics in general?
The course “Business Model Creation” introduces the foundations of entrepreneurship and new venture creation and then focuses on two very powerful tools that enable potential entrepreneurs to create a promising business model: the “Business Model Canvas” (BMC; Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010) and the “Value Proposition Canvas” (VPC; Osterwalder et al., 2014).
In the course, the participants will learn the conceptual basics of entrepreneurship in general and the BMC and VPC in particular and will apply this knowledge to an own business idea. As such, the course combines academic rigor and practical relevance.
The key questions addressed in the course are:
The main learning outcomes of the course are:
To receive ECTS, both of the two following elements have to be completed:
Attendance of all classes is mandatory. The course will be taught through in-person teaching with physical attendance. Specifically, the course includes a variety of didactic elements such as classic lectures, exercises, and presentations.
- Team formation
- Idea generation
- Pitching of the basic idea
- Feedback & input
- Mid-term presentations