Special Thesis (Sonderstudien)


If you want to write a Special thesis at the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, or are already writing one, you should know about the assignment of topics, design guidelines, the type of supervision, as well as content and structural requirements. We have compiled tips and information that should facilitate the process for you.

Application procedure

There are no fixed start and end dates for special theses at our department. If you wish to start a special thesis within the next four weeks, please have a look at our list of currently available topics. Having selected a topic, please contact the responsible research assistant and ask for supervision of your preferred topic.

If you want to start writing a special thesis within the next few weeks, you may contact us even if there are no topics listed on our website. However, please do not contact us earlier, as a “reservation” of topics is not possible. As our capacities are limited, we cannot guarantee a Special Thesis supervision.